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How Many Fish Will My Aquarium Hold

How Many Fish Will My Aquarium Hold

Virtually every fish owner has gazed at their aquarium and wondered how many fish can be put there. Unfortunately, aquariums don’t have a stocking chart slapped on the side.  As a result, many an owner unwittingly overstock their tank, sometimes with a disastrous outcome. So, how does a fish owner answer how many fish will my aquarium hold? There are several factors to consider, as well as several methods for calculating safe stocking levels.

Barb Information: Types and Breeding

Barb Information: Types and Breeding

Active and hardy-shoaling fish barbs make a great addition to any aquarium with suitably sized inhabitants, and they’re an excellent choice for beginners. Though they prefer slightly acidic water, they can adapt to various conditions and are easy to feed and look after. Here, we discuss in-depth Barb information for types and breeding.

Tank Mates For Your Betta

Although many believe that Bettas can only be housed by themselves because they’ll “kill” anything alive in the tank, Bettas CAN be housed with other fish/invertebrates. In fact, there are quite a few species that can successfully coexist with a Betta. The general rule is… Read More »Tank Mates For Your Betta

Killifish Information

Killifish Information: Care, Diet and Breeding

Brilliantly colored and highly active, Killifish are an enduringly popular choice for the tropical aquarium. They’re highly adaptable and comparatively hardy, with varieties suitable to almost every tank set-up. Happy in large shoals but mostly too small to need a lot of space per individual, they’re easy to please and to be pleased by. Read on for Killfish information and their care, diet, and breeding.